Sunday, December 28, 2008

Archeological Dig

Going through old journals and 8 year untouched boxes. Found my Cleanse Log complete with mini-polaroid poop pictures still intact [even the skull and crossbone post-its to protect the innocent from unexpected onslaught were still covering the gory bits]. I weighed in one day at 142 lbs! I am 182 today. Some serious experiments.

I also came across this quote that was a major part of my code:

"Any new idea, Mahound, is asked two questions. The first is asked when it is weak:
What kind of an idea are you?
Are you the kind that compromises, does deals, accommodates itself to society, aims to find a niche, to survive; or are you the cussed, bloody minded, ram-rod backed type of damn-fool notion that would rather break than sway in the breeze? The kind that will ninety-nine times out of a hundred be smashed to bits; but the hundredth time, will change the world."

From The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie.

Just typing quote gives me chills.
And the fire to GO!GO!GO!

About Me

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LA, CA, United States