Friday, September 25, 2009

The Ripper

Did you say motorcycles?
Well, since you asked..
Lately I've been obsession over building an all around Ripper based on an FXR or Dyna.

A fine example is this one:

Read about it HERE

Diamond Dave

Been reading David Lee Roth's autobiography, Crazy From The Heat.
The guy had a vision of an empire and he made it happen.
Gotta love it!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Genesis of a New Idear

Finally saw how to put it all together.
I'll keep you posted.
I couldn't have done it without you.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009

Love Your Fate

"Love your Fate"

Reminder brought to you by Ty O'Neill - Creator of Iron Knuckle Kung Fu


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Remote Viewing

****What follows is my experience and understanding.
I do not claim to be an expert.****

Remote Viewing has been coming up a lot lately so I figure it's high time to tell you about it, too.

I took classes in RV when I was was volunteering at The Omega Institute in upstate New York, and began working with the instructor,Dave Morehouse, when the summer was done. [The Omega Institute is basically a spiritual summer camp. Yoga retreats, Buddhist retreats, etc. One of the best summers of my life. But thats another story...]

Remote Viewing is defined as "the learned ability to transcend space and time to gather information from locations remote in space and time and report on the same."

What that basically means is that anyone can be taught to see and experience anything, anywhere at any time. Yeah, I know how that sounds. I thought so, too. Actually when I found out about it I couldn't sleep knowing this existed and that I had to check it out. I hear some questions coming...
Is it real? Yes.
Can I do it? Yes.

Anyone can do it. You just have to be taught. And yes, that includes YOU!
That's the beauty of it. I'll get into that in a minute...

A little history break:
In the late 70's the head of the CIA found out that the Soviets, Checks, Chinese, Germans, and British all had psychic espionage units. He asked his number 2 guy what we had. Nothing. Why Not? Shoulder shrug. Well lets get to it. So two laser physicists were charged with task of developing something comparable for the US. After several years and between 20-50 million dollars they came up with a step-by-step protocol that would teach someone with "the psychic ability of a bag of hammers to transcend space and time."

How it was used:
Remote Viewing was developed as an information gathering tool to augment satellite, radio, human, signal intelligence. For example: There was a warehouse on Northern Russia's coast that had been known to have a great deal of activity by way of satellite photos, but anytime an agent was sent in, the agent was never heard from. So, someone contacts the Program Manager of an RV Unit located in the states. The most publicized was at Ft. Meade, MD. The PM is given all the intel he can be given about the location and develops a target folder for the viewers. The viewers are then called in. They go into an altered state, are given the coordinates and go through the step-by-step process for 90 minutes, prepare a summary and hand in 60-90 pages of data on the target. What happened here was that a viewer drew pictures of a new type of submarine, and soon after satellite photos revealed a next-level sub exiting that warehouse.

It is important to note here that Viewers go into sessions "blind," meaning they do not know where they are going. When the target folders are prepared, the PM does so in private. The PM concentrates on the concept of the target. In the above example the concept would be something like: Access the warehouse at __________________ in present time and describe contents and activity inside. This could be written out and placed inside an envelope with a photo of the warehouse. Then the PM assigns coordinates, 2 sets of 4 random numbers, to that concept. When [don't fret, I'll explain the coordinates in a moment] the Viewers have cooled down [slowed their brainwaves to Alpha], they fill out a heading and are given the coordinates only. This is critical because it helps relieve the viewers of trying to "guess" where they are, trying to be "right" and free the Viewer to simply gather information as they move through the target.

The Coordinates:
When RV was being developed the scientists used latitude and longitude of sites to test the psychics. The results were so good that, scientists being scientists, they figured that maybe the viewers couldn't memorize every set of lat/long on the globe, but could recognize general areas. Then if a viewer saw coordinates that fell in France, for example, they could assume they weren't being sent to a smokey cafe for wine and honey covered cheeses, but would go for the Eiffel Tower, etc. So the scientists assigned 2 sets of four random numbers and the results got better because the Viewers were able to let go of the outcome. Coordinates can be generated in a variety of ways but most professional settings use a system of the top four numbers being the year, and the lower four being the session number. For example, if you where about to do the first session of this year the coordinates would look like this:


Once you, the Viewer, have the coordinates you simply move through the 6 stage protocol and write down what comes to you in whatever way it comes to you. In Coordinate Remote Viewing [CRV] you sit at a desk and work off of pieces of paper, alternating between placing your pen on the page and closing your eyes [a symbolic gesture of connecting to the target] and writing down what you feel, see, hear, sense, etc. Each stage asks you to seek specific things staring with basics of color, textures, temperatures, tastes, smells, to quick sketches, to emotional and aesthetic content with the final stage looking for full blown renderings all culminating with a summary of your experience allowing for anything left of the target to be reported after the session ends. There is an advanced form called Extended Remote Viewing [ERV] and hybrids of both, but that's a discussion for another day.

QUICK, BUT IMPORTANT, NOTE: RV is not 100% accurate. If someone claims they are a Viewer and are all good all the time, smile politely and walk away...

What makes Remote Viewing special?
There are several reasons including being able to help provide data in cases of crime solutions, medical/scientific R&D, etc. [It is important to note that when being used operationally, it is best to have as many Viewers working on a target as possible to cross reference the data and allow for the variety of data possible.] For me it is as a spiritual tool. There is something profound that happens when you close your eyes and know you are experiencing somewhere other than where your body is. In training you are given feedback in the form of photographs and video so you know that what you experienced was real. In the more advanced class we would do "beacon" targets meaning there is a trained Viewer somewhere on the planet and your task is to find them, describe them and their location. This was originally developed to track suspected double agents. Let's say we think "Dan" is a working both sides. We would send him to the Alps and task Viewers to find him. If 9 of 10 Viewers is coming up with bikinis and mai thai's, "Dan" may not be where he said he was gonna be. In the classes the students would declare male/female, young, old, black/white, etc; location and activity of the beacon. then the beacon would call in and answer questions [Yes, I have been a beacon]. The next step is to do a "split-beacon" where there are two trained Viewers in different locations on the planet. The same thing happens except for declaring specifically for beacon "A" and beacon "B". Then both beacons call in and the fun begins. Because now you, the student, have experienced being in three places at once. In the classroom, with beacon "A" and with beacon "B" all at the same time. You now have experienced, for yourself, how we are connected as human beings. This is the core of why I love the technology of Remote Viewing and feel that everyone who wants to learn, should. You don't have to ask me or anyone else for this type of knowledge. You can go find out for yourself.

What has it meant to me?
The biggest gift I've received is trusting myself. I have never had a problem with believing there was more than this body, this planet, this time, this dimension. My foibles lie in dealing with day-to-day affairs and having the guts to share who and what I am. This is still a moment-by-moment battle, but RV has been an invaluable tool to help me share more deeply, strongly, completely.

If you have any questions, feel free to fire off an email to me at:

PS - Here's the real mindbender:
Remote Viewing targets are not limited to this time or even this planet, but you'll have to catch me in person to talk about that...


Monday, September 14, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Saga of the Foot - New Chapter

This Xray is from my last appointment.
The arrow points out the piece that separated and where it was from.
It looks like it's starting to reconnect in one spot and the rest is surrounded by a mess of scar tissue and pixie dust.
Better every day.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Easter Island

I just got the bug to visit my brothers.
Let's see what kind of misadventures this creates!!!

In I

Was just turned on to this:

So Beautiful...


Echo Park Film Center

Just heard about the Echo Park Film Center.

Looks like something special...


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Inner Me

Grabbed this off the interweb when I was in need of a snapshot of the inner me.
Thanks, interweb!

About Me

My photo
LA, CA, United States