Monday, August 31, 2009


This was just sent to me by a mischievous Leprechaun------>

Last Lecture

For some reason I am compelled to give a lecture.
Not sure on what or why, but I'm ok with that.
As I was cruising the interweb I came across this:

Randy Pausch is the author of The Last Lecture.

Falling In Love

Quote from Chrispoth Waltz on how he felt during filming of "Inglorious Basterds":

"I feel like an old man falling in love with a young girl after having given up on love altogether."

Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Moment With Jason

Haven't posted anything embarrassing for a while [not due to a shortage of material, trust me] so I figure I'm about due.
This is an email I fired off to my buddy Jordan whose studlieness can be witnessed in About A Ball.
A brief intro:
I innocently called Jordan to check in with him. During the conversation he asked if I put the pounds back on since my injury and I admitted I was once again sporting my "Luxury Profile" due to too many cookies, pints of coconut ice cream and bouts of self love. He requested a pic of my sorry state because "he could use a laugh." Fit bastard!
***One thing I forgot to mention during the retelling of the story is that at the time I was also a week unshaven as I had a runaway zit community that looks like a freakin' martian leper colony festering on the center of my chin.


Thought you might appreciate this little moment from the other day:

After you and I get off the phone I grab a quick nap before a Bikram yoga class.

I'm groggy when I get to the studio so when I see the instructor talking to a cutie all I think is "Wow! She's Super Hot!"

Then I realize she's looking at me as I ogle her, then I realize its a girl I fooled around with a bit last year before she called it off ["The chemistry's just not working for me... Always good for the ego].

I'm still staring as I think this, then pull the slick 8th grade move of quickly look down and run into the classroom like a spaz without saying a word.

You know Bikram is all mirrors and shirts off. So there's this half naked, fit, bendy, well balanced hottie and me, the one footed white wale.

90 minutes of total embarrassment.

Once class is over I rush out of the room to change in peace and to compose myself and hopefully try and explain my awkwardness.

She comes out of the studio in all her glistening glory and I am there, blubbering about with a goofy grin and a coconut water.

I wait outside with a buddy for her to change [why suffer without a witness to forever remind me of my shame?] and when she emerges from the studio she looks even better than I remember.

We talk for a while and its going GREAT! I'm picturing her tied back up in my closet that night until I inform her how I'm back in class to heal my foot and reduce my "luxury profile." As I'm telling her how you requested a photo of my enormous belly for your enjoyment she glances down at my bulging mid section and looks away in horror!

This will shock you, I'm sure, but she didn't end up back in the closet or anywhere near my apartment once she stepped back and took the whole thing in.

Thanks, Jordan, thank you very much!

Big Love,


Hop-A-Long Hooper's Ring Walk Song

I like to ambush people by cranking this song off my phone before/as I strut into the room. Let me apologize now, I don't see this going away any time soon...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I sail

From my favorite movie of all time:
What about Bob?

Monday, August 24, 2009

Chart Yer Own Course

There are many ways to arrive at port.
Choose yours.
If you don't, someone will gladly do it for you.
And that ain't a way for any man to live.

Helicopter Guts


Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Actually left the cave for a little while tonight.

A Query

What do I have against nudity all of a sudden?
I just finished a great 2 hour conversation with my buddy Shawn and I de-pants and immediately threw on a pair of shorts!
It's 1 am in my own apartment!
Why not hang out in my birthday suit?
I do in the mornings when I first wake up so I know it's not all nudity...
Do I just not want my balls to drag against the leather?

I don't get it...

Monday, August 10, 2009

This is where we stand today

I'm not 100% sure where this is going but here we are...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

New Addition

There's a new addition to the family.
Picked up this Dennis McNett print today.
I love it!

See more at:

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Friday, August 7, 2009


I received some amazing gifts recently.
The Red Stripe glass is really great because it reminds of overall good times, a long lost
friend and was the first thing I drank to break my years of raw food.And who couldn't use a little fresh air and some good luck?


If you're in NYC and looking for a gift check out:
139 Avenue A [at 9th St]
New York, NY 10009

When you're there be sure to pick up some Pretty Monsters* lip balms, they're great and go really fast!!!

[*Or just order via interweb:]

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The New Devil

You've Been Warned!!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009


As I woke up this morning solutions to a major artistic crisis flooding in. I've had a crystal in my bedroom window for months.
This is the first time I've seen the rainbows all over.

Hours Later - The rainbows lasted only long enough for me to snap the picture and were gone. I recently finished my re-read of "The War Of Art" and realized that I never actually finished it before. I always gave it away before I did. Now I have a spare copy for when I need to do so again. A resource like that is invaluable to a creature like me. In these moments of easy distraction and despair a man needs a reminder of who he truly is. If there is not an immediate community of like-minded creators he needs to utilize tools like these to get through and most importantly; GET BACK TO WORK!

{to that end i just bought some mythic paint, a new roll of red paper sheathing, a pile of sketches and a direction i feel good about. i swear to you i felt like i was waiting in a cave for a vision and the vision finally came}

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LA, CA, United States