Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Hooper's Word of 2009


A Martial Decision - Ode to Ty O'Neill

This is from an email to Ty O'Neill, writer and all around badass mofo:

"Been thinking a great deal about my current martial arts study and have decided to drop the Muay Thai and concentrate on the Kenpo and Jujitsu.

I tell you this as you are instrumental in the decision process on two counts:

1. I don't want to be a
dilettante. Ever since you brought that concept up I have checked myself on it regularly as it has been an issue with me. I understand the power of focus and 10,000 hours.

2. After our last pad session I see that I can get the devastators I need from Kenpo."

Ty and I hit the pad the other day and he nearly broke my ribs with some rusty punches. He is a good friend and creative inspiration. 

The Real Me*

Was cruising the interweb for a gift and ran across this perfect rendition of me.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My Heros

This is taken from American Shaolin by Matthew Polly.


I'm in the middle of building my first true Hooper Nation Infrastructure.
As an adult I have always lived out of bags and going for how much could I do with how little. At one point I was looking for an alternative fuel source for the human body in a effort to achieve maximum human performance. I wondered what would happen if you took all of the time and energy put into eating and shitting and put it toward creativity?

My theory was that at the most basic levels, food tunes the frequency of our cells and all I would have to do is find another way to do that.

I chose yoga asanas, advanced breathing techniques and my girlfriends orgasms.
2 points of failure:
1. I didn't have a girlfriend I could experiment with. Not many women were interested in an emaciated maniac babbling on about "tuning the frequency of your cells."
2. I discovered there were "Breatharians" who claim to live on light. Once I found out that the ground I desired to unearth was potentially uncovered I moved on to another experiment.

A major point in my life's mission is to: "Move to the Unknown."
The phrasing comes from my Remote Viewing training [I will touch on this in a later post].

I recently had a period where I swung the other way and experienced luxury and a re-humanizing. I felt like an animal being domesticated. It was an incredible time, bringing me all kinds of gifts and challenges. Being me, I took it too far and got fat and lazy.

So the answer was to build a new foundation using physical fitness as the core to build new mental, emotional and spiritual strength.

The Unknown for me now is:

How PRODUCTIVE can I be?

Today I focus on Harmony and allowing myself everything I need to achieve my goals.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Archeological Dig

Going through old journals and 8 year untouched boxes. Found my Cleanse Log complete with mini-polaroid poop pictures still intact [even the skull and crossbone post-its to protect the innocent from unexpected onslaught were still covering the gory bits]. I weighed in one day at 142 lbs! I am 182 today. Some serious experiments.

I also came across this quote that was a major part of my code:

"Any new idea, Mahound, is asked two questions. The first is asked when it is weak:
What kind of an idea are you?
Are you the kind that compromises, does deals, accommodates itself to society, aims to find a niche, to survive; or are you the cussed, bloody minded, ram-rod backed type of damn-fool notion that would rather break than sway in the breeze? The kind that will ninety-nine times out of a hundred be smashed to bits; but the hundredth time, will change the world."

From The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie.

Just typing quote gives me chills.
And the fire to GO!GO!GO!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Haunting Tomorrow

During a conversation with my older brother I told him I am now resigned to do all of the things I ever wanted to do. He encouraged me by saying "Yeah, Do It Now. I see these guys who've been in the same cubicles doing the same thing for 30 years and they're bitter because it's too late. You're not even promised tomorrow."

My heart sank.

You're not even promised tomorrow.

That phrase has been haunting me for a while now.

Friday, December 26, 2008


The microwave was giving me lip so I decided to teach him a lesson.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Gift

This book just broke down my front door. 
It was a gift. 
Thank you Universe!
[Just ordered up 2 of Bruce Lee's books on conditioning. I'll fill you in if I survive.]

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Caveman Workouts

Started implementing Crossfit exercises into my routine.
Worked out for 20minutes and my heart was pounding and body smoked.
Give the Air Squats a whirl and feel the joy.

Monday, December 22, 2008

A friend of mine, the AC Monster

Who We Are

It touched on something that's been being discussed in my circle for the past few days.
Its the last two paragraphs that really speak on that we are who we are 
and our charge is to chip away everything that is not true for us. 
That is how we can become who we want/are meant to be.

When I was 21 I began to let go of what I was familiar with and question what and how I felt about everything. I needed to know if they were true feelings or conditioning. 
The biggest thing I've gained so far is greater compassion.
 It continues to be an incredible journey.

Monday, December 8, 2008


"In attacking you must never be half hearted. Your main concern is with the correct and most determined execution of your offensive.  You should be like a steel spring ready at the slightest opening to set the explosive charge of your dynamic attack."

Bruce Lee


The Sagan and MLK quotes are from the film ZEITGEIST:ADDENDUM.

Watch it when you can. Its 2hours long. I broke it up over a day and still received the message.

Visit for more info.

Star Stuff

"We are one species.
We are star stuff harvesting star light"

Carl Sagan

A Reminder

"I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love 
will have the final word in reality."

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Good Morning Sunshine!

This guy was just sittng in a parking lot as if he weren't the most handsome man in the world.
The subtle power of humility is staggering.
We can all learn from his example.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Becoming a Straight Man of Action

Listening to a Wayne Dyer CD that fell into my hands while walking trough the library.

He just quoted Rumi:

The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Do not go back to sleep.
Do not go back to sleep.
Do not go back to sleep.

How often have you woken up at 3:14 AM wide awake, mind blazing with thoughts and ideas?
How often do you act on it in that moment?

I'll do it more after that reminder.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Tim, the great Sensei from UCKA Dojo asked if I wanted to take the Muay Thai class tomorrow night so I could get another workout in this week.  It'll be my first one ever! Oh No! A Monster may rise...
[Or my remains will have to be collected in a jar]

uMfc video

Getting ready for my Kenpo class I ran across this video.
It's another animated storyboard, this one for a proposal for the UFC.

I recently began training at the UCKA Dojo in Los Angeles, CA.
I Love it!

After my first class [one month ago] I began telling my long time karate friends:

"It's my legal obligation to inform you that I am now part of the martial arts world since I now have 60 minutes of Kenpo-Jitsu Ryu training. I am required to register my self with the local authorities and am not allowed to make 2 fists at the same time within the city limits."

Movie Trailer

A trailer for the best movie never made, "The Golden Chortle."

[Or maybe not just yet...]

Another Gem

I love Photobooth like everybody does.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Quote of the day

"Cookies are cookies. On a certain level all cookies are good!"

The reigning champ:

About Me

My photo
LA, CA, United States