Monday, August 3, 2009


As I woke up this morning solutions to a major artistic crisis flooding in. I've had a crystal in my bedroom window for months.
This is the first time I've seen the rainbows all over.

Hours Later - The rainbows lasted only long enough for me to snap the picture and were gone. I recently finished my re-read of "The War Of Art" and realized that I never actually finished it before. I always gave it away before I did. Now I have a spare copy for when I need to do so again. A resource like that is invaluable to a creature like me. In these moments of easy distraction and despair a man needs a reminder of who he truly is. If there is not an immediate community of like-minded creators he needs to utilize tools like these to get through and most importantly; GET BACK TO WORK!

{to that end i just bought some mythic paint, a new roll of red paper sheathing, a pile of sketches and a direction i feel good about. i swear to you i felt like i was waiting in a cave for a vision and the vision finally came}

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LA, CA, United States